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Tag Rugby

The competition was a lot of fun. The teachers that took us were Mr. Rasiah and Ms. Siedlecka. We left school at 9.15 and it took us about 15 – 20 minutes to get there. Since we got there early, we had a while to practice and by the time the competition had started everyone was ready. We were split into 2 teams and we all wished each other good luck and set of to our pitches. Both teams did really well, and everyone was pleased with themselves. For prizes we were given the opportunity of choosing either a cup or a wristband. The twist to this magnificent day came when the weather turned from sun to rain.

Written by Lakshmi.     

Tag Rugby Competition Match Report       

This October we went to a Tag Rugby competition. We travelled in a green school bus, with Mr Rasiah and Mr McGarry. Altogether twelve of us went to the competition.

We came 3rd in the competition and it was a great experience. At first we were very nervous, but as the day passed we started to have more and more fun. Vicar’s Green was represented by two teams: Team A and Team B. Team A received bronze medals in the competition. Although Team B played really well they did not make it to the last fours.

In the end we were very proud of ourselves and happy, because we came third. Before we went back to school, we had to take pictures of our team and the sports grounds. Once we got back our parents were waiting for us. We had made them very proud.