Specialist Clubs
At Vicar’s Green we provide a range of specialist clubs, throughout the year, in order to enrich and enhance our school curriculum. While some of these clubs are run my members of our staff, others are run by specialist coaches who have experience of working with children.
In order to achieve consistency and continuity ,all clubs are run on the same day at the same time each term. Letters are sent home well in advance for parents to sign up their children. While most clubs are free for all children, a few clubs that are run by specialist coaches may involve a small fee.
Academic - Spring and Summer terms
Maths and Reading Boosters are during the Spring and Summer Terms for children who would benefit from a little bit of additional support in these areas. These clubs are all run by qualified and highly experienced teachers.
Maths Skills Mornings are an opportunity for children to consolidate their previous learning in real life scenarios, and to develop their skills of reasoning and problem solving.
Sports - Year-round, rolling programme
Sports Hall Athletics covers a range of indoor athletics skills and aims at improving children's fitness and agility. It encourages them to strive to achieve their personal best. Children attending this club often represent the school on various competitions.
During Multi Skills, children participate in sessions which help develop balance, hand-eye coordination and stamina. This club is conducted by external qualified coaches.
The main aim of the Team Games club increases children's fitness and provides them with the opportunity to participate in exciting games which help to develop their ability to work as a team. Over the year, the children will be taught the skills and rules of rugby and football, so that they can develop their confidence and enjoyment of playing different sports.
Health and Fitness - Year-round
Change for Life - Change for Life Club aims to give our children confidence and skills to take part in sport and to help them enjoy lifelong participation. It is an opportunity to teach and encourage healthy eating and drinking habits, that the children can continue at home and later in life.
Arts - Year-round, rolling programme
The Performing Arts club teaches children a number of different skills such as public speaking, singing, acting, improvising, miming and is a fun way to develop children's confidence. This club generally culminates in the end of year production when all its participants are given an opportunity to perform in front of an audience.
Art workshops take place throughout the school year. The following topics are covered:
- exploring artists from different cultures and time periods
- experiment with a different media
- discuss a piece of art with a group.
Our specialist music teacher is Ms Gardener who takes selected children from KS2 for choir rehearsals every Tuesday after school. Our choir sings at St Barnabus church with many other local schools annually. The choir regularly perform selected songs for pupils, staff and governors.