Current Safeguarding documents and advice
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Department of Education Publication
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Department of Education Publication
What to do if you are worried a child is being abused
Department of Education Publication
E Safety for Parents and Carers
London Borough of Ealing
Ealing Grid for Learning - Safeguarding
London Borough of Ealing
Ealing Code of Conduct
London Borough of Ealing
Responding to Allegations of Abuse against Teachers
London Borough of Ealing
Vicar's Green E-Safety
VGPS Document
Making a referral (ECIRS)
London Borough of Ealing
Ealing Thresholds of Need
London Borough of Ealing
Prevent Strategy
Department of Education Publication
Forced Marriage
Department of Education Publication
Fabricated or Induced Marriage
UK Government Publication